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Seattle, Washington

Posted by on October 10, 2010

It's so BIG

Matt’s professor and good friend moved to Seattle with his partner, who is one of my good friends, so we packed our bags and dropped in for a visit!  As Seattle tends to do it was beautiful and sunny, wooing us in with perfect weather.

We enjoyed a game of Smash Putt in an old warehouse, took the ferry to Bainbridge Island where I bought a lot of yarn, and we walked all over the city enjoying yummy coffee not from Starbucks!  My favorite part was visiting the Fremont Troll, who was featured in a couple of the fiction books I had been reading at the time.

Smash Putt!

Ferry ride back from Bainbridge










Fremont Troll

Wall of Gum

Walking to coffee or food or art or coffee















A rousing game of hide in seek at the Olympic Sculpture Park

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