We’ve been busy nesting in our new home and connecting with old and new friends! And, of course, growing a baby.

Growing & Nesting
The true countdown begins today as we head into the final month of fetus incubation. Our due date is October 29th and we are excited to meet our peanut (more like a small pumpkin)! We started a “Guess the Arrival Date of Baby Brandt” calendar at the baby shower – if you’d like to add your name & guess to the calendar, let me know and I’ll include you! If the winner is local they’ll be getting a gift certificate to Ken & Sue’s restaurant and if the winner is far, far away we’ll send love and congrats! And if we surface from new baby excitement within a reasonable time maybe we’ll actually mail the winner something.

When will Baby B arrive?
Speaking of the baby shower, my mom planned, organized and threw a smashing party on September 6th with an amazing group of people! We feasted thanks to my brother, Beau, who made yummy nibbles. We celebrated Baby B with lots of itty bitty clothes, interactive toys, laughs, a few tears, and lots of love.
I felt supported and cherished by dear friends! I was even completely surprised by a well-kept secret visit by Dawn – who trekked out from California for the party! Such a treat!
After the party I’ve been slowing down more and more each day while Matt continues to train harder and harder for his big trek up Aconcagua in Argentina. He’s been running, throwing kettle bells, biking, hiking, and loading his backpack with 65 pounds of weight for fun! I’m thinking he should include a workout where he carries me up and down the stairs – great for both of us!
I’ve finally been adding my own weight…to this pregnant body. The midwives have been great in helping me celebrate my smaller belly bump. You can see in the picture above my dear friend Kyla, who is a week behind me in due date, and I bumping bellies. This was an aspect of pregnancy that took me by surprise – body image! I hear from folks that I should be thankful I’m so small but instead I feel inadequate as a vessel for growing a baby. Shouldn’t I be bigger?
In the last few weeks, Baby B has made a bigger impression and I’m imaging a bulked-up baby, growing happily to prepare for a grand entrance!
In another step towards preparing for birthing, we’ve hired a Doula to help guide and advocate for us, which feels great! We’ve also asked our sister-in-law, Jenna, to be a back-up support for us. All in all, we are thrilled with being back in a community where we have access to all these amazing people! Baby B is going to be surrounded by so much love and support!
Finally, we have settled on a name for Baby B. Yep! After making a huge list (18+ names) we picked a first and middle name for this wee one. This will be our big surprise since we plan on keeping the name a secret until Baby B is born. Hang in with us for the next four weeks or so and we’ll celebrate the arrival & naming of Baby B!
Lots of love from our home to yours,
Erin, Matt, Baby Brandt, & Stella