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San Juan River: Montezuma Creek to Sand Island, Utah

Posted by on April 23, 2017

We gathered up some new friends and took our “Green Machine” out for its first overnight rafting trip.  The kiddos were awesome river rats and we all enjoyed camping out under the stars.

We learned some lessons and worked out some kinks. Raft camping is different enough from car camping that we are working on adjustments and buying some new gear (Matt is so happy!).

Our next trip with “Limey” will hopefully be the Moab Daily turned into overnight…still working out dates for that trip.

In July we’ll be running a bigger section of the San Juan River with good friends where Matt will take “The Mint Julep” through rapids bigger than a class 1. Ha!


*If you can’t tell, we are still searching for the best name for our very bright green raft!


San Juan – Utah Territory from Matt Brandt on Vimeo.

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