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Where we’ve been and where we are going!

Happy New Year!

This photo sums up 2020 for our family pretty succinctly. Many of our outdoor adventures were cancelled in 2020 but we found other adventures awaited us indoors and nearby. We hope that we will see and hug many of you in 2021 on as many adventures as we can manifest! May this new year find … Continue reading »

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Casa del Eco, 17 Room, or 16 Room Ruin

When we first started planning this trip we could not find much information about access to this ruin besides an old blog post. Now that I’m trying to find that blog post (no luck), I am finding many other bloggers talking about the ruin.  We will be adding to the collective knowledge with how to … Continue reading »

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San Juan River: Montezuma Creek to Sand Island, Utah

We gathered up some new friends and took our “Green Machine” out for its first overnight rafting trip.  The kiddos were awesome river rats and we all enjoyed camping out under the stars. We learned some lessons and worked out some kinks. Raft camping is different enough from car camping that we are working on … Continue reading »

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