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Chaco Canyon, New Mexico

Posted by on March 10, 2007

This was one of my favorite camping trips!  An easy drive from Durango, we enjoyed a quick weekend trip in the early spring to soak up the sun and beautiful architectural remains from the Puebloan people.


Photo Credit: Jim Spadaccini, Ideum

Rainbow over Pueblo Bonito


After spending the morning at Pueblo Bonito, we jumped on the Pueblo Alto hiking trail and spent the rest of the day taking in the breathtaking views.

Matt and Pueblo Bonito

We highly recommend taking the trail if you visit!  The Visitor Center is full of information and films that help convey the importance of this location for the Puebloan culture.

Visit Chaco Canyon for more information on hours, camping rules, and directions.








Here are more pictures from our trip for your viewing pleasure!

Good morning!


Can you see the moon?

My favorite fossils we found on the trail - spiral seashells.

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